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I am not a dancer.

I don't understand why my family isn't talking. Grandma isn't talking to Mam, Mam isn't talking to her siblings, Dad isn't talking to Mam's family and no one is talking to my uncle's wife. Why cant everyone just get along? Mam and dad had to get fake teeth because they're smoking so much. Malachy was stupid, he put the fake teeth and his mouth and ended up being sent to the hospital. While we were at the hospital the doctor saw how I was breathing with my mouth open and said I should get my tonsils removed. What are tonsils anyway? Mam wants me to take Irish dance lessons. I went to my first class and I felt stupid for going. Instead of going, I decided to skip my classes and spend the money on candy or the on the movies. Whenever I got home from class, I just made up a dance and showed my family. One day, Dad told me he knew I wasn't going to my classes since my dance teacher sent a letter asking where I have been. I hope Mam and dad aren't to mad at me..