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Selfish man.

Things aren't going to well. We had to move upstairs because the apartment we were living in was cold, wet and very uncomfortable. I stole some lemonade from outside a pub and may of exaggerated the story a little bit to my brothers to sound cool. I continue to steal food and drink from the richer families of our town  which feeds my brothers and I. Because we have no fire, I try to go door to door and beg for coal but that gets me no help so I ended up doing what I always do and steal gasoline from my rich neighbours. Mam got sick and got a fever. After some guards came to the door asking why we haven't been at school, Grandma called the doctor and he said Mam has pneumonia and was rushed to the hospital. I really hope Mam is going to be okay.. While she is in the hospital, we are sent to aunt Aggie's. I don't like Aggie, she yells and beats us all the time. I got so fed up that I sent a letter to Dad in England telling him Mam is in the hospital, hoping he was going to do something. After receiving the letter, Dad returned home and we stayed with him until Mam got better and came back home from the hospital. Once Mam returned home, Dad went back to England and continued to refuse to send us his paychecks. Which is mean, unfair and puts us in a really bad situation. Mam had to beg outside churches for money and food, this really upset me. I which I could something to help. I hate seeing Mam like this. I know Mam is doing this because she cares for us. She has to stop accepting what Dad is doing, she needs to tell him how selfish he is being. I am happy he came back to take care of us while Mam was in the hospital but besides that, he is no help.